Saturday, April 26, 2014

Soundly in my arms

On this day, April 22, 2014, Liam slept from 945-650am without eating. This is the first time, hence why it deserves a post! He fussed a bit at 1, so I moved him to the swing. Then he fussed so I moved him next to me on the couch... He ended up in my arms around 3 and slept soundly until 6:50! We both got up, Tadd fed him and I got ready for work. I am so excited for all of us! No expectations for this to be the typical yet, but pretty excited that this is possible! He is growing up so fast! He is already almost 3 months!

p.s. He hasn't slept through since that night but I am still stoked that he did it at all! He's the best!


Steph said...

Yeah! Go Liam!! What an awesome baby :) I'm sure he'll be a regular 9 hour sleeper in no time.

Unknown said...

Gotta start somewhere! way to go liam ;)