Monday, February 9, 2015

Liam's 1st Birthday

One year ago today, Liam Michael was born at 5:07 am at 5 lbs 4 oz and 18.25 inches and he was the most perfect little nugget I had ever met. And exactly one year later, he is still incredible. He has lit up our lives in every way. The first few months of his life were not too difficult minus the fact that you have to get up every few hours in order to feed your child. Which it is totally worth it, just a little harder than anticipated. Pretty tiring, but worth it most definitely. Within the first few weeks of Liam's life, Tadd went out of town for a weekend, our dog Roxy died and my parents went out of town. However, we made it through and Liam was the best baby from the beginning. He didn't really cry very loud because he was 5 weeks early. He just ate and slept and burped and made silly cute noises. He slept in a swing mostly at the beginning and then progressed into a pak and play, then sometimes our bed and then eventually his crib. I could go on and on about how perfect my baby is, but since I have posted every month since he was born, I think I will skip to 12 months, because there are so many fun things now that he is 1 years old.

He walks. He walks and grabs your hand and babbles and screams and laughs and giggles and plays and wrestles and cries and whines and kisses and slobbers and hugs and everything in between. He is an absolute joy to be around and is almost always behaving. Obviously, there are times when babies get tired or are cranky and Liam definitely gets that way, but most of the time he is pretty happy and having fun.

A few fun facts.
1. Liam has started saying gaga and we think dada
2. He has 7 teeth. 4 on top and 3 on the bottom.
3. He knows where his tongue, nose, and eyes are...he also knows how to point to them on other people.
4. He loves to dance and hold hands
5. He pretty much eats anything if you feed it to him.

We had a crayola crayon party for his first birthday party and it was a total success. We had cupcakes and cake and friends and family and toys and coloring and fun! Liam skipped his morning nap and partied all morning until everyone left and then he crashed for two hours before waking up for dinner and heading back to bed! It was a great success. I am so thankful that my sister Jill came up from San Diego, my sister Katie and Dennis were there to help...Katie made the beautiful crayon cake and Jill and I helped with the rest of the desserts. My mom prepped all the food and my aunt, grandma, uncle Tim and Uncle Steve were all there to celebrate Liam. So many friends also came to celebrate my little man. It was a very special day and I can't believe he is already one! It is bittersweet!

To Liam: You have changed my life and have made everything better! I love my baby boy more than you can even imagine. To many more years of celebrating you! xoxo

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