Last month our whole family went to Disneyland for a long weekend. My dad wanted to plan the trip for Liam even though he is only one...we thought we would take advantage! Everyone was in attendance including my mom and dad, me, Tadd, Liam, Jill, Wes, Katie and Dennis. It was absolute perfection. We stayed at the Disneyland hotel with two rooms with an adjoining common room which was great. We were all able to hang out and then get some nice rest also. Liam was a busy bee on the plane ride, however when we arrived, he took a nap in the car on the way to the hotel. It was really nice to have 6 adults when traveling because you are not alone when trying to coordinate everything for your little one. Once we got to the hotel, we were able to hang out and get situated and then we grabbed dinner and relaxed. Friday we put on our matching raglan baseball shirts and headed to the park! We arrived around 9am and found a few characters to take pictures with including Ariel and Minnie before heading to some of the adult rides before they got too busy. Peter Pan was our first ride and Liam seemed to enjoy it. It is kinda hard to see his face because it was dark but I would imagine that his eyes were very big and he was just looking around and being completed overstimulated, and he loved it! After Peter Pan we headed to Alice in Wonderland which is kind of scary, but we all made it through...then off to some roller coasters. We made it to space mountain, and thunder mountain without waiting long at all, it was great! We then headed to pirates of the Caribbean which I put Liam in the front carrier and he fell asleep on the ride for his first nap! We made it to a few other rides before stopping for lunch and enjoying sandwiches and burgers. Then of course a caramel apple to share! After lunch we made our second round and rode Indiana Jones, the Jungle Cruise, haunted mansion and small world! I think Small World was everyone's favorite to watch Liam because it is bright enough and he can see everything and be completed overstimulated with fun! We also played astro blasters which we competed in and Wes took the cake for winning and shooting the most targets. Around 3pm, everyone rode autotopia and Liam fell asleep again in the carrier for the WIN. I heard autotopia was horrible so I'm glad I was able to rock Liam to sleep and not even miss a good ride! After a few more rides, a churro, pineapple dole whip and lots and lots of water, we were ready to head home. Who would have thought that all that fun could wear you out that much! We headed back to the hotel and were able to rest a little before ordering room service in for the night. I think I fell asleep at 9pm...just a few hours after Liam!
Saturday we planned to go to one of the nice malls in the area and walk around and hang out which is exactly what we did. It was pretty windy, so we just fiddled around the mall and stretched our legs from all the walking from Disneyland. We ended up eating lunch at a restaurant in the mall which was pretty good, but the real plan was to eat at Gullivers later that night. So after lunch we headed back to the hotel and headed to the pool for a short while. Liam got his trunks on and his rash guard since it was kind of windy and we hopped in the pool for a short dip. It was pretty fun, and Liam was splashing around like crazy...and then we got cold and got out. We headed to Gullivers for dinner which has delicious prime rib and creamed corn! Liam was not having a nap, so he was a little wild at dinner, but then he fell asleep on the way home. We all hit the sack pretty early again as we were still tired from the day before. Sunday was another relaxing day of packing and prepping to head out. We got our bags organized and pulled everything together to head out of the hotel. We grabbed some breakfast at Downtown Disney and then jumped in the minivan to head to Fashion Island outdoor mall to meet up with my friend from college and her husband...whom had just gotten married at Disneyland the same day we were there!!! It was so great to see her and her husband and they are just the cutest. We just hung around Nordstrom and chatted and then had some lunch at Nordstrom Cafe, which by the way, is delicious!!! Then we headed to the airport and our fun weekend in Disneyland came to an end. The plane ride home was pretty busy...Liam was bouncing from person to person. Then as we began our descent, he fell asleep. Then he stayed asleep when we put him in the stroller, and the car seat and his crib when we arrived home. Liam was a total dream on this trip and every time I worry he might be hard, he blows my mind and is perfect all over again. Best. Kid. Ever.

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