Saturday we woke up and headed to Buena Vista for a fun experience of duking it out for a table and enjoyed a yummy BV combo breakfast. We all got eggs, bacon, potatoes and a side of french toast. It was worth the wait and the anticipation of finding and snagging a table. After breakfast we headed back to the hotel, packed up our things and put them in the car before we headed down the Pier 33 for our Alcatraz adventure. We meandered down the wharf and manuevered through the crowds. We arrived right on time for our Alcatraz boat to depart. It was a short cruise over to the island. We were able to explore Alcatraz. We saw an intro video, we walked through some museums and then we went up to the cell block and listened to an audio tour which was pretty neat. It was cool because we were basically walked through the penetentiary and we were able to learn about some of the incarcerated criminals as well as some escape attempts and other interesting facts and stories. After we completed that we walked back down and got back onto the ferry to head back to SF. When we got back to the Pier we headed towards Peir 39 to grab some yummy mini donuts that Tadd's parents enjoyed the day before. Tadd got pooped on while waiting in line for these tasty treats. As far as we know, that is good luck, or at least that is what we keep hearing. After that we headed over to Boudin for a late lunch. A few of us got soup in a bread bowl and Tadd got some pizza. After that we headed to Ghiradelli square. It was super busy. We stopped by Kara's cupcakes to enjoy a tasty treat...and then we also enjoyed a banana fudge split from Ghiradelli. After all of these adventures, we headed back to the car and hit the road. We arrive back in Sacramento around 7:00pm. We lounged around a bit, grabbed a small bite for dinner and then went to bed.
Sunday, which was Kirk's actual birthday, we woke up and all got ready for church. We headed to our 11:00 sacrament meeting and Tadd shared his testimony. We then headed home to get everything organized before taking them to the airport to head back to Arizona. We had such a fun time with Tadd's parents. The weekend went so well and we are so glad that they were able to come out and visit us and celebrate Tadd and Kirk's birthdays. We look forward to heading to Arizona for Christmas and seeing the rest of the family. Thanks for such a fun weekend Kirk and Sharon!!! We love you guys!
That was such an awesome surprise! I was banking on Tadd getting emotional when he saw my parents at the game but alas I was wrong. Hehe! I am glad you guys had so much fun! We can't wait to see you guys for Christmas! Love ya!
so fun!! what a wonderful surprise kelly!! love you guys! xx
Hey, Tadd....It's Lisa Kandell (now Lovell)....we were friends back in the day. I've wondered what ever happened to you. Glad to see you're married and happy. What a beautiful family. Just wanted to say hi. My husband and I lived in Sacramento for some a few years while he was in law school at McGeorge. We have since moved back to good ole utah. Have three kids and one on the way. Becky and I get together every now an again. I was at Alladin in st. George a few weeks ago and saw your buddy Andrew. Good times.
Take care!
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