My baby is 5 months old! If I could sum up the last 5 months into one word, it would be "JOY." Liam is seriously an absolute joy and lights up my life! He is so happy and smiley and adorable! He smiles when he wakes up and he smiles when he is going to bed. He smiles in between cries for food and tired cries. He smiles with his pacifier in his mouth and then it falls out. He loves his bath time and his play time and cuddle time. You name it, he loves it, and I love it even more than he does!!! What did we do before we had this perfect baby boy in our life. I can't even begin to describe how happy he makes me. And he is growing so fast, I want to bottle every moment so I will remember every second!
A few things I want to document so I don't forget!!!
1. He sung himself to sleep one time in the car. He had been up for too many hours and was relaxing in his car seat, and we were staring at eachother. His music was on in his carseat and he started to mimic it. As he was mimicking the noises, his eyes were getting heavy... Until he fell asleep! It was the most precious moment ever💙💚
2. Liam loves snuggling when he is tired. He doesn't mind kisses, hugs and being carried around either. But he sure does love cuddles when is tired and sleeping! He just fits perfectly in you arms, and while falling asleep with his pacifier, as soon as he is fast asleep, that little number drops right out of his mouth and then he makes the motion of sucking with his mouth while there is nothing in there, it's adorable!!!
3. Liam has become quite the eater! He has loved everything we have tried so far including, rice cereal, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes and next on the list, carrots!!! At first he does his yuck face where he cringes his nose up and squints his eyes... Then he starts opening his mouth and reaching for the spoon with both mouth and hand! It's so fun to watch!!!
4. He loves to play on his activity mat and with other toys he can put in his mouth or that make fun noises! He can be super chatty and just yell every noise he knows... Or he will just hang out and look around, depending on his mood!
5. He loves to hear people sing to him. I sing you are my sunshine every morning and twinkle twinkle every night! And he just sits back and stares while you sing to him. It's the best.
Liam is getting so strong! He always wants to stand on his feet and look around. He loves sitting in his bumbo chair or being tilted up when on his back so he can see everything that is happening. Liam has brought so much joy and happiness to our family! How lucky are we!!!
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