Thursday, October 23, 2014

Eight...and Nine Months While I'm Here

My perfect little not so little anymore and is 8.5 months old!!! He is so handsome and is such a joy to be around. He is a crawling machine, and wants to pull up on everything within his reach. He loves holding onto your fingers and walking around the house. He loves cheerios and pretty much any food you offer him, however he prefers it at room temperature than from out of the fridge. He has been improving with his sleeping! He doesn't eat in the middle of the night anymore...Success! He still wakes up a bit, but usually with a little TLC...he gets cozy again in his crib. He takes two 1.5 hr naps during the day most of the time! Liam loves people. He loves playing and getting tickled. He loves climbing up my parents step in their kitchen, over and over! When in the car I have to sing to him the whole way home if he is in the back by himself because it is dark and he is lonely! He settles right down when I sing to him. He definitely knows when you are in the house and you walk away. He will cry until he sees your face again! Kinda makes you feel good that he misses you. I am constantly learning new things with Liam! As soon as I think I got it changes. I guess that is what Parenthood is all about. Can't imagine life without Liam!

Liam's 9 month check-up is the second week of November and I am looking forward to find out his stats and see how he is growing!

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